Isaksen Glerum Wachter LLC
Free Initial Consultation
In Business Since 1967
Collaborative Design Services
IGW Architecture worked with Parkland College in Champaign, Illinois, to develop and document a plan for future campus growth and change. The project also informed the Illinois Community College Board of any proposed changes to the existing facility, land acquisition, and construction of new facilities at the college.
The planning process involved interviews with the campus administration, various user groups, and maintenance personnel in programming current and future facility needs. Based on the identified needs, projects were planned, budgeted, prioritized, and scheduled within the planning horizon. The update recapped the previous five years of significant campus expansion.
It provided a five-year plan for future campus development, which, in this case, focused primarily on the backfill remodeling of vacated space in the existing central campus.
Member American Institute of Architects
Call IGW Architecture today!
(217) 236-6559
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